I’m Starting To See the UK Very Differently Now

2 min readNov 14, 2022
Photo by Adi Ulici on Unsplash

-Did you see that article People are complaining about Sunak, asking how come they have a Prime Minister from a former colony. Just not right, apparently.

I was in a slight shock. The fact that Sunak is the first non-white prime minister dawned on me after his election. I live in London. I’ve lived in London for more than 20 years. I’d estimate at least half of London is non-white, more like 70%. I started watching politics only since Blair, and always assumed that there had been one previously. There must have been.

Now some people are throwing their toys out of the pram. They are showing the side of the UK I do not want to see. The side that’s becoming harder and harder to ignore, especially when I’m in a company primarily with the native local population.

Many missed the memo that the empire is over. For hundreds of years. It’s nothing to have been proud of and, if anything, ashamed of.

This behaviour showed its ugly head during Brexit when people were unhappy with the immigrants from eastern Europe. As someone who speaks with a very similar accent, I was spooked but assumed that it was just uneducated idiots against people not born in the country.

Sunak was. He was born in the UK and is still getting hate. Too much hate. For what?

This blatant racism is hard to ignore. The entitlement. ‘Us’ vs ‘Them’. Reminds me too much of the work culture in some places.

Many immigrants have left and there are massive shortages everywhere.

Based on the workplaces I’ve worked primarily with the locals, the country will not survive without them.

Let them leave. We will see who exactly makes Great Britain ‘Great’.




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